Wednesday 19 October 2016

Diamond 9

A film opening should...
(My opinion)
Now upon reading the mark scheme some of the aspects have been shuffled round due to hitting the criteria to get the most marks.
Replacing the previous top statement is "creativity" as the piece of film needs to show aspects of creativity to show that there is thought and planning behind the piece as without "creativity" it is difficult to make parts of the film look good and easier to watch.
Also now on the second row is "titles" which has replaced "introducing character(s)" as on the mark scheme it features higher up. To add to this also now on the second row is "variety of camera shots and angles" which has replaced the spot formerly occupied by "creativity", the majority of camera shots and angles require to be creative in order to look good.
Lastly I've moved the "indication of genre" towards the bottom, as in a short piece of film you don't necessarily need to know the genre to be enticed into the film. 

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