Wednesday 16 November 2016

2-Minute Mise-en-scene Film Opening Plan

Image result for mise-en-scene elements
What was the task that we were given? 
The task given to us, was to make a two minute film opening on the basis of picking random mise-en-scene qualities that were written by our teacher and we simply had to pick one from each of the different qualities of mise-en-scene to build the foundations of our two minute film opening, and we couldn't change this. Mise-en-scene is defined as "the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play" We could completely decide the plot of the opening, but it had to include our given options of location, casting, prop, costume and time. 

What elements of Mise-on-scene were we given?
We were given 5 different elements, the first element we were given was the location of which we were told to at least feature was the rollercoaster in Great Yarmouth, which meant we based our plot around the beach and seaside. Another element we were given was the casting, the character/cast we were given was a 40 year old woman, it didn't solely have to be this one individual character but at least feature. Props was another element that we were given, our prop was fish and chips, this was very convenient for us as we had to travel to the seaside anyway so it was an easy element to incorporate. A element that we slightly struggled with was the element of costume, as we were given uniform which is never the easiest thing to include especially by going off of the elements we already had it didn't really fit in. Lastly, we were given the element of time, the time we were given was early morning sunrise.

What was the initial plot idea?
The initial plot idea we had was to do a flashback sort of opening, where it started with the 40 year old woman, who was daydreaming, and then incorporate a flashback of her in her younger years with her old partner (who had maybe passed away). The flashback was going to be on the beach as it could incorporate the elements of mise-en-scene with the rollercoaster and fish and chips. However we changed the initial plot idea as we got onto the aspects of filming, we started with the two teenagers at the beach looking like they were on a normal date and we would then film a scene of the woman either looking at a picture of her and her partner when they were younger or instead daydreaming.
Image result for rollercoaster great yarmouth
What were our casting ideas?
Our casting idea was originally to have two young teenagers the girl of which would've showed slight resemblance to the woman in later filming but then we discovered that would've been fairly difficult. So then instead we decided that we would ask around our friends to find two willing volunteers who would act for us, they would of preferably been a couple to make the filming less awkward. From the beginning we knew that for the older woman we would use a member of our groups mum, whoever was most willing.

Location and research of location
The location we had to include was the rollercoaster at pleasure beach in Great Yarmouth, so we had the idea to film the majority of the piece at the beach as we could incorporate most of the elements of our mise-en-scene. We weren't going to include much of the rollercoaster but instead just feature it.

Prop list
The original prop list we had set was simply the element of mise-en-scene we were given, which was to include fish and chips. We didn't yet have any ideas to use additional props.

We had the idea to just include natural lighting as it would be easier than taking artificial lighting with us to the beach. Also by only using natural lighting it meant that you got a real sense of the environment that they were in and made it completely natural, and with the element of having to include a sunrise it was the best idea to do so. 

We were given an element of mise-en-scene for costuming, but not everyone had to apply to it but instead it only had to feature on one character. The other characters we intended to use would be in casual everyday dress.

Target audience
We had the idea to target the audience of teenagers and young adults, as this type of genre of a romance type of film is popular with that age range.

Filming plan/schedule
Our planning schedule was to simply film whenever all of our group members were free and also the actors as without them we wouldn't be able to film. We targeted the October half term as this was the most likely time when everyone would be free.

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